a collection of articles about bits and diseases from mosquitoes
An extremely common microbe can stop the insects from spreading the virus that causes dengue fever. (2021)
It's always nice to be well-liked — with a few exceptions. Most people are more than happy to be unpopular with serial killers, rodents, and bugs. ... (2018)
Nature Magazine, 2017: "US Environmental Protection Agency will allow release of insects in 20 states and Washington DC. The US Environmental P... (2017)
Bite. Breed. Die. "Silicon Valley researchers are attacking flying bloodsuckers in California's Fresno County. It's the first salvo in an unlike... (2018)
These tiny insects kill more than 700,000 people every year and account for 17% of the estimated global burden of infectious diseases (2020)
Drugs derived from Ivermectin, which makes human blood deadly to mosquitoes, could be available within two years (2019)
Using radio music to repel mosquitoes This is "Go Outside - Repellent Radio" by bruno bomediano garcia on Vimeo "Go Outside's Repellent Radio... (2017)
Target Malaria hopes to eradicate Africa's malaria-carrying mosquitoes. But when manipulating the fate of a species, moving slowly is a virtue. (2018)