A collection of articles about biodiversity and butterfly species
Biodiversity and Evolution
Evolution - science, history, Biodiversity, more
Animal Populations, Extinction Threats and Biodiversity
Sea Turtles - Oceans - Science
Origins of COVID19 and the Coronavirus epidemic, pandemic
Pets - dogs, cats, more
Octopus - Animals, Intelligence, Farming, Seafood - Agriculture, Business and Science
Global Warming, Carbon and Farming, Agriculture
Pet business - dogs, cats, more
a brief look at Intelligence and the different types of intelligences
A collection of articles about insects, bugs and biodiversity
A collection of articles about Bees - and Agriculture, Farming
Aquaculture - Fish Farming Seafood - Agriculture, Business and Science
a collection of articles about Sharks and whales- Oceans - Science
A collection of articles about insects, bugs and biodiversity
A collection of articles about biodiversity
In a citizen science project, thousands of pet dogs are helping scientists to understand what happens to memory and cognition in old age (2025)
It is too expensive to protect them from poachers | Middle East & Africa (2023)
Eleven billion crabs vanished. Is climate change really to blame? (2022)
Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understandi... (2022)
Hunting and habitat loss drove many large mammals in Europe close to extinction. But, the continent’s mammal populations are flourishing again than... (2022)
"What's the biggest change I can make to reduce the carbon footprint of my diet?" It's a question I'm often asked, and my answer is pretty consiste... (2021)
Loyal is building an animal pharmaceutical company that is developing therapeutics aimed at extending both lifespan and healthspan for dogs. (2021)
Habitat loss is the biggest threat to the world’s animals. Without improvements in crop yields, thousands of species could see much of their habita... (2021)
Dogs process the sensory world very differently than humans, but love in a way that is entirely familiar. (2021)
Many of the world’s pollinator insects are in decline. What does this mean for global food production? (2021)
Single bee is making an immortal clone army thanks to a genetic fluke | Live Science (2021)
An extremely common microbe can stop the insects from spreading the virus that causes dengue fever. (2021)
A bid to protect part of the Pacific raises legal conundrums | The Americas (2021)
The Potomac river is a more vivid symbol of American history than any of the monuments along it | United States (2021)
Wild mammal biomass has declined by 85% since the rise of humans. But we can turn things around by reducing the amount of land we use for agriculture. (2021)
Permafrost-preserved teeth, up to 1.6 million years old, identify a new kind of mammoth in Siberia. (2021)
After my blog post Book: The Soul of an Octopus I received a flurry of emails telling me I needed to watch the movie My Octopus Teacher on Netflix.... (2021)
Oceanic sharks and rays have declined more than 70 percent since 1970, mainly because of overfishing, according to a new study. (2021)
A filmmaker has captured mesmerizing and intimate details of an alpine newt's first days. (2019)
The number of bee species appears to have declined sharply in the past 30 years, which could mean many types of bee are extinct or so rare that no ... (2021)
Conservationists are taking the first step towards a potential reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx to Scotland, with the launch of a year-long stud... (2021)
Minty chemical in catniplike plant activates their opioid systems—and acts as a mosquito repellent (2021)
Despite its extraordinary intelligence, the life of an octopus is a solitary one. So perhaps it is no wonder that the mighty brained cephalopod eng... (2020)
Scientists hope the scrappy predators' reintroduction can balance ecosystems ravaged by invasive species. (2020)
How mushrooms could solve colony collapse disorder. If anyone knows about going fungal, it’s Paul Stamets. I have often wondered whether he ha... (2020)
The elusive animals’ possible involvement in the origins of COVID-19 gives them a weird ambivalence: threatened and, perhaps, dangerous. (2020)
The rollback of a rule banning controversial hunting methods in Alaska's national preserves has some worried the National Park Service is ceding co... (2020)
Germany is planning to ban floodlights from dusk for much of the year as part of its bid to fight a dramatic decline in insect populations, it emer... (2020)
These tiny insects kill more than 700,000 people every year and account for 17% of the estimated global burden of infectious diseases (2020)
One prominent study said 55 percent, its critics say 4 percent, and they both used the same data. (2018)
I, for one, welcome our Octopus overlords. Ask for the CrunchLabs Build Box for Christmas and then let’s build some cool stuff together. Get the Ho... (2023)
The Impossible Ethical Bargain Behind African Safaris (2023)
Do you remember the headlines screaming that the bees ... (2022)
Honeybees have thrived for 50 million years, each colony 40 to 50,000 individuals coordinated in amazing harmony. So why, seven years ago, did colo... (2019)
Support the creation of more videos like this. This video is a gift to humanity by Chris and Dawn Agnos. "When we tr... (2018)
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's hap... (2018)
The Atlantic, Dec 28, 2017 "Sleep is universal in the animal kingdom, but each species slumbers in a different — and often mysterious — way. Som... (2018)
Researchers don’t know enough about giraffes—and as populations dwindle, they’re running out of time. (2021)
Sea turtles occupy a very special biological niche in our world. And we still know relatively little about these creatures, one of the very few mar... (2021)
In this hour, TED speakers explain how everything in nature is connected, and how we can restore its delicate balance. (2019)
Driving between Oakland and Los Angeles in February offers glimpses of a spectacular scene — neat, symmetrical rows of trees covered with pink and ... (2019)
From the TED Radio Hour, writer and environmentalist George Monbiot tells the story of what happened when wolves were re-introduced to Yellowstone ... (2018)
In this hour, TED speakers explain how everything in nature is connected, and how we can restore its delicate balance. (2018)
Paul Shapiro gives you a front-row seat for the wild story of the race to create and commercialize cleaner, safer, sustainable meat—real meat—witho... (2018)
Find your new best friend from Good Dog certified breeders and shelters. Screened for quality. Visit us today to find the right puppy or dog for you. (2021)