a collection of articles about Using AI and Data science
Computer scientists must identify sources of bias, de-bias training data and develop artificial-intelligence algorithms that are robust to skews in... (2018)
Let’s ask the International Energy Agency to change it. - Our World in Data The high costs of data exclude many from the global dialogue on ene... (2021)
Five steps to ensure higher-quality data. “Poor data quality is enemy number one to the widespread, profitable use of machine learning. While th... (2018)
paper “Ethical issues in research using datasets of illicit origin” by Daniel R. Thomas, Sergio Pastrana, Alice Hutchings, Richard Clayton, and Ala... (2017)
Thanks to for sponsoring this video! This video is about Simpson's paradox, a statistical paradox and ecological fallac... (2020)
Bias can creep in at many stages of the deep-learning process, and the standard practices in computer science aren’t designed to detect it. (2019)
The image tagging system that went viral on social media was part of artist Trevor Paglen and AI researcher Kate Crawford's attempts to publicize h... (2019)
A lot of machine learning startups initially feel a bit of “impostor syndrome” around competing with big companies, because (the argument goes), th... (2017)