33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know. - leonardomso/33-js-concepts
Call Stack
Primitive Types
Value Types and Reference Types
Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structuring and Duck Typing
== vs === vs typeof
Function Scope, Block Scope and Lexical Scope
Expression vs Statement
IIFE, Modules and Namespaces
Message Queue and Event Loop
setTimeout, setInterval and requestAnimationFrame
Expensive Operation and Big O Notation
JavaScript Engines
Binary, Hex, Dec, Scientific Notation
Bitwise Operators, Type Arrays and Array Buffers
DOM and Layout Trees
new, Constructor, instanceof and Instances
Prototype Inheritance and Prototype Chain
Object.create and Object.assign
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33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know. - leonardomso/33-js-concepts
Call Stack
Primitive Types
Value Types and Reference Types
Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structuring and Duck Typing
== vs === vs typeof
Function Scope, Block Scope and Lexical Scope
Expression vs Statement
IIFE, Modules and Namespaces
Message Queue and Event Loop
setTimeout, setInterval and requestAnimationFrame
Expensive Operation and Big O Notation
JavaScript Engines
Binary, Hex, Dec, Scientific Notation
Bitwise Operators, Type Arrays and Array Buffers
DOM and Layout Trees
new, Constructor, instanceof and Instances
Prototype Inheritance and Prototype Chain
Object.create and Object.assign
Factories and Classes
Pure Functions, Side Effects and State Mutation
map, reduce, filter
High Order Functions
Abstract Data Structures
Inheritance, Polymorphism and Code Reuse
Design Patterns
Partial Applications, Currying, Compose and Pipe
this, call, apply and bind
Clean Code
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