- YouTube - TED (2023)

What can we make of a design that shows up over and over in disparate cultures throughout history? Theorist Terry Moore explores "Penrose tiling" -- two shap...

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The Video is about the theory of Penrose tiling, and how it has been seen across cultures and millennia. Terry Moore explores Penrose tiling – two shapes which when combined form a pattern that can be expanded infinitely without repeating. He then looks at the design from a scientific perspective, discussing topics such as physics, mathematics, art and archeology. Moore also touches on philosophy by referring to terms such as Plato's “First Cause” and Alfred North Whitehead's “Undifferentiated Aesthetic Continuum”. He ultimately concludes that these patterns created by different cultures are not merely decorations but rather statements about their fundamental values reflecting how they viewed themselves in relation to the world around them. The main message of the Video is that despite seeming complexity and unpredictability in life there exists an underlying unity that both unites everything together and gives rise to all things.

Keywords: Penrose Tiling, Physics, Mathematics, Archeology, Philosophy


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