I'm going to share with you what is one of the best books on data science that I have ever read it's free and it's important that you see it because well it's getting more and more difficult to find high quality free content I'm going to show you the book tell you why I like it and show you how to use it to get a job so two questions come to mind the first is why go to all of the effort and time of creating such a great Learning Resource and then just give it away and the other is if it's that good why is it so relatively unknown the answer to the first one's easy this was made by a group of Stanford professors and they're not doing it for the money show me the money and the second answer well it doesn't have a big marketing budget okay so why do I like it well there are several reasons first of all it's concise it doesn't go into any more detail than is necessary it's comprehensive it covers pretty much everything that you're going to need to know if you want to do data science it's clear the explanations are very well written everything's very well explained and the best bit for me the python version has just been released a few weeks ago so at the end of each chapter there are what they call Labs where you get to go through all the concepts that the chapter contained but learn how to implement them using Python and then after that there are lots of exercises which if you work through will really help you understand the concepts that's where all the learning takes place really and so in just a few hundred Pages you have everything you need but is it enough it covers data science really well but that's not going to be much use to you if no one actually taught you how to learn nobody taught me how to learn at school or at University and that's quite common which is why I recommend this things using the latest findings from cognitive science it teaches you how to become an effective learner what methods work and what methods don't and it shows quite convincingly that most people use ineffective learning methods and if you only knew the right ones to use you'd supercharge your learning I think anyone serious about learning should have a copy of this while we're on the subject of excellent learning materials I would like to share a free and easy way of learning coding math and data science that is a perfect accompaniment to this book brilliant.org I really like brilliant and it's not just because they sponsored this video it's because over the years their platform has really helped me to learn new topics and brush up on old ones they teach you how to think and they make learning a very active process brilliant has thousands of interactive lessons that range from basic to Advanced topics with new content added every month after a brief quiz during sign up brilliant tailors your learning path to your interests and skill level allowing you to explore and learn at your own pace I've been doing their new thinking in code course instead of just teaching you coding this course gets you solving real world problems right away you'll be creating simple programs and understanding how coding impacts our world if you're interested in trying out brilliant use my link brilliant.org python programmer and sign up for free you get to try out everything brilliant has to offer for 30 days and the first 200 of you will get 20 off Brilliance annual premium subscription what else do I like about the book well actually quite a lot it's got its own video course I think it's on edx but if you go to the book's website you can get a link to the video course but it's an entire free video course that accompanies the book and you can follow through the course and the book at the same time and it's made by the same people it's really high quality on the website as well there's also a forum and the website is where you'll find access to the free pdf of the book and the link to that is in the description okay so how would I use all this to get a job well once you've worked through to the end of chapter four which is the chapter on classification you'll have a pretty good idea of the basics so at that point what you should do is start contacting non-profits and charities in sectors that you have an interest or some kind of expertise and offer to do projects for them for free it's unlikely that they will have certainly some of the smaller ones that they'll have budgets for data scientists so you could actually do some really valuable work and create some great insights for them you'll learn so much from that not just about how to work with data but the sort of questions that clients want answered and the organizational limits and constraints that will affect what you can do you'll learn how to talk to clients and the expertise that you gain from it will really help you in your job search because later down the line when you're having job interviews you'll be able to talk about the projects that you've done and you'll have some real insight that other candidates at this level won't have and then it's really just rinse and repeat keep working through the book and keep acting Charities and non-profits and offering to do work for them then when you've reached the end of the book and have say I don't know half a dozen or so projects under your belt start applying for jobs
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