the world is moving at an extraordinarily fast pace technology has gone from big desktop computers to small hard drives that contain terabytes of information medicine has evolved we have the ability to cure diseases of medication and surgeries have become more complex the population of the world has continued to grow to over 7 billion people and we have increased food production to feed the world many of our major advancements are thanks to some modifications made technologically medically and even with our DNA however these new technological advances have unearthed ethical dilemmas how do we determine what is OK and what is not bioethics is the field of study that explores the ethical issues of health related sciences and analyzes advances in sciences and medicine it brings together the ideas of philosophers physicians lawyers scientists and public health professionals while these all may sound like experts know that file ethics is not just for these professionals it's for everyone our stem cells ethically ok to use what can we do with stem cells and where do we draw the line can we trust this technology and what about things like human genetics does altering genes make us less human does this affect the way we are supposed to reproduce what are potential bioethical impacts of using this type of technology why is it more acceptable for us to edit plant genes than it is to edit human genes can AI really replace doctors can we trust a I use in medical operations and what about in other settings and then what about human subject studies how do we advance our understanding of human behavior or of disease development or of the way that animals interact with the environment and how ecosystems interact with each other what do these advancements do to us to our surroundings and to our overall planet these are the types of questions that bioethics scholars work through they determine what is ethically sound and what provides the best innovation and advancement to society without causing harm these are tough questions to work through at NYU tph we offer the space to work through these ideas theories and ethical dilemmas we foster creative thinking and collaborative and entered Ranieri work among philosophers medical practitioners lawyers scientists engineers and public health professionals to work through these ideas we help you build the critical thinking skills with influences from many different perspectives to see the whole picture and all of the possibilities
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