A collection of articles about Fintech Startups - Pleo- corporate credit cards
Wind power is breathing life into a new green economy on its coasts | Leaders (2023)
A heroic community effort at a daring hospital saved lives, led to today’s ventilators and revolutionized medicine — it holds lessons for our times... (2020)
Many cities are aiming for neutrality by 2030 or 2050. The Danish capital plans to be the first carbon-neutral capital in the world and to hit the ... (2019)
Pleo, the Danish fintech that offers a “business spending platform” that lets companies easily issue employees with cards and manage expenditure, h... (2019)
The two-lane elevated orange Cykelslangen – the latest of the city's continuous and safe bike lanes – is a joy to ride as it wriggles its way over ... (2014)
Copenhagen’s reputation as a cyclists’ paradise isn’t just due to a lack of hills: Registration duties of up to 180 percent mean Denmark is one of ... (2018)
These artificial islands off the coast of Denmark could hold the key to the future of Europe's power grids. For more by Tomorrow’s Build subscribe ... (2023)