a collection of articles and videos about decision making and mental models
While there are millions of mental models, I find these the most useful in solving difficult problems. These general thinking tools should be taugh... (2018)
The smartest people in the world use mental models to make intelligent decisions, avoid stupidity, and increase productivity. Let's take a look at ... (2018)
Charlie Munger's famous lecture on the art of stock picking as a subdivision of the art of worldly wisdom. (2018)
Mental models are your mind’s tool box for making decisions. The framework for understanding how the world really works. And, the more tools you ha... (2018)
One of the best ways to improve is to use the mental model of falsification. Read this to learn how to improve your thinking by destroying incorrec... (2014)
We all tend to interpret new information in a way that maintains our prior beliefs. This is a mistake. Read this to learn more about this mental mo... (2017)
Understanding your circle of competence allows you avoid problems. As we can learn from Warren Buffett, avoiding problems is easier than solving them. (2013)
Inversion is a powerful mental model to improve your thinking because it helps you identify and remove obstacles to success. Most of us tend to thi... (2013)
Occam’s razor, a mental model, credited to William of Ockham helps you solve problems faster and more efficiently. The concept can be stated as ... (2017)
A map is a reduction of the territory it represents. Reality is too complicated for us to deal with, so we reduce it with maps. This works until it... (2015)
Hanlon’s Razor is a useful mental model for rapid decision-making and intelligent cognition. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately... (2017)
Second-order thinking is a mental model that smart people like Warren Buffett & Howard Marks use to avoid problems. Read this article to learn how ... (2016)
Read this and learn how the mental model of thought experiment, helped people like Albert Einstein, Zeno, and Galileo solve difficult problems. (2017)
Second Order Thinking is a critical practice for making effective policy, business and personal decisions. Many of our self-created problems as a s... (2018)
Warren Buffett explains the timeless parable of Mr. Market and in so doing explains a powerful mental model. The principle can be used to remain ca... (2013)