Listen to this episode from Fresh Air on Spotify. Biochemist Jennifer Doudna, the subject of Walter Isaacson's new biography 'The Code Breaker,' sh... (2021)
Scientists are using it to treat genetic diseases, grow climate-resilient crops, and develop designer foods. Here’s how it works. (2018)
CRISPR’s not on the cusp of anything. "How many diseases could humans treat if the DNA in troublesome cells could be edited within the body? Ha... (2017)
Researchers of the gene editing technique observed mutation rates 10 times higher previously reported. But that means different things to scientist... (2018)
A new tool could be the key to treating genetic diseases and may be the most consequential discovery in biomedicine this century... (2018)
New companies are popping up to become the Amazons, Apples, and Intels of genome engineering... (2018)
Draft proposal permits gene-editing tools for research into early human development. (2018)
New research suggests that a controversial gene-editing experiment to make children resistant to HIV may also have enhanced their ability to learn ... (2019)
CRISPR. What is it? And why is the scientific community so fascinated by its potential applications? Starting with its definition, we explain how t... (2019)
The Chinese scientist and two associates were sentenced after a secret trial. (2019)
The genetic-engineering tool could help combat malaria and invasive species. But should we use it? (2019)
He Jiankui was broadly condemned for editing the DNA of twins. But more widely used forms of gene editing, like IVF, perpetuate inequality by design. (2018)
WIRED 6.29M subscribers CRISPR is a new area of biomedical science that enables gene editing and could be the key to eventually curing disease... (2020)