A look at what individual cities and states (USA) are doing in the fight for Net Neutrality
California’s landmark net neutrality law — erected in 2018 and then immediately blocked by lawsuits from Trump’s Department of Justice and the tele... (2021)
Early this year, the attorneys general of 22 states and the District of Columbia filed a suit attempting to block the Federal Communications Commis... (2018)
"2018 has barely begun, and so has the fight to preserve net neutrality. January 3 was the first day of business in the California state legislatur... (2018)
At least six, including California, New York and Washington, are considering bills to restore protections that the F.C.C. ended, but political and ... (2018)
The Starting Gate | “An open letter to Congress: Congressman Carlos Curbelo et al. We are the founders & leaders of technology startups here in Mi... (2017)