The War on Drugs, legalization, decriminalization - around the world
Attacking rampant drug abuse by trying to shut off the supply has not worked. We need to try a new approach. (2018)
With record seizures of cocaine at Belgian ports, the country has become Europe’s cocaine-trafficking capital. As the flow of drugs increases, loca... (2023)
It failed to prepare the ground | Leaders Decriminalizing drugs: lessons from Oregon. States contemplating drug decriminalization need to prepar... (2023)
The long read: Since it decriminalised all drugs in 2001, Portugal has seen dramatic drops in overdoses, HIV infection and drug-related crime (2017)
Norway’s parliament has voted to decriminalise drugs and offer treatment to addicts instead. 133 seats out of 175 voted in favour of decriminalisin... (2017)
Possessing heroin, cocaine, meth and other drugs for personal use is no longer a criminal offense in Oregon. The idea is to get people with problem... (2020)
The relationship between people and the state has allowed an effective national programme to cut the rates of teenagers smoking and drinking to exc... (2020)
Journalist Stephen Kinzer reveals how CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb worked in the 1950s and early '60s to develop mind control drugs and deadly toxin... (2019)