A collection of articles and videos looking at the eye and human vision
TED Published on Mar 19, 2014 There's an astronaut saying: In space, "there is no problem so bad that you can't make it worse." So how do you dea... (2019)
Assistive technology services are integrating OpenAI's GPT-4, using artificial intelligence to help describe objects and people. Ask Envision, an A... (2023)
National Geographic, 2017: “To understand how animals see, look through their eyes. “If you ask people what animal eyes are used for, they’ll s... (2016)
Most mammals rely on scent rather than sight. Look at a dog’s eyes, for example: they’re usually on the sides of its face, not close together and f... (2018)
Two patients have had pioneering stem cell therapy to restore their vision. "The technique, published in Nature Biotechnology, starts with embry... (2018)
For the first time, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved an artificial intelligence diagnostic device that doesn’t need a specialized d... (2018)
Short-sightedness is reaching epidemic proportions. Some scientists think they have found a reason why. (2018)
Blue light from digital devices and the sun transforms vital molecules in the eye's retina into cell killers, according to optical chemistry resear... (2018)
Our ability to see colors develops in the womb. Now scientists have replicated that process, which could help accelerate efforts to cure colorblind... (2018)
The possible explanations could help us better understand the condition. (2020)
Thanks to an experimental new brain implant, a blind woman gets her first glimpse of lights, shapes, and people in 15 years. (2020)