A collection of articles about Podcasting - tools for creating podcasts
The past year has changed the way we work, on so many levels — a fact from which podcasters certainly weren’t immune. I can say, anecdotally, that ... (2021)
Thanks to USB microphones, it’s really easy to get started making high-quality podcasts with just a laptop and a mic. But there are so many options... (2019)
Streaming giant Spotify is testing a way to make it even easier to record a podcast that probably no one will listen to, according to findings from... (2019)
Unprecedented technology for podcast publishers and advertisers. Megaphone is a brand new platform for ad-supported podcasts. Featuring simple pub... (2018)
We checked in with educators to see what tools their students are using to create entries for NPR's Student Podcast Challenge. (2020)
Here's everything you need to know to get your political podcast up and running for the 2020 elections. (2020)
Record, edit, mix, collaborate, and master your audio and video with Descript. Download for free →. (2020)
Spotify is tapping into the increased usage of video conferencing during the coronavirus quarantine to grow its own podcast business. The company’s... (2020)
I spent the past couple of months going down the Creator Economy rabbit hole. Here is a map of 150+ companies I found. (2020)