a collection of (mostly) technical articles discussing game design
Each of us have our own giants to face. This is a story about one of my giants. Something I never imagined could make a grown man cry, until it did... (2017)
In this GDC 2014 talk, John Nesky, the dynamic camera designer for thatgamecompany's award-winning PSN title Journey, takes attendees on a tour of ... (2017)
Game Engine Architecture Lectures Github Repo Youtube channel (2018)
In this post, we’ll be: giving an overview of what a game developer is (and the different specializations and skills), going over what you can do t... (2018)
Until now, the kind of self-learning artificial intelligence that’s led to advances in self-driving cars, computer vision, and natural language pro... (2019)
Applying to Worker Placement Games A game-creation game-theory matrix needs some tweaking when applied to worker placement, where one player’s a... (2018)
Riot Games’ Game Design Curriculum is an entry-level course that teaches high school students the fundamental elements of game design using a frame... (2020)
From embracing memes to enabling early evangelists, Proletariat CEO Seth Sivak describes how his team fueled Spellbreak's sleeper success behind th... (2020)