A collection of articles about Low Earth orbit Communications Satellites
The inevitable has occurred. A piece of space debris too small to be tracked has hit and damaged part of the International Space Station - namely, ... (2021)
The cost of launching payloads to orbit has dramatically dropped, igniting a space renaissance. In 2022, a record 186 rocket launches (41 more than... (2023)
And why it wants to build its own satellite constellation in low-Earth orbit | China (2023)
Amazon announced a deal with United Launch Alliance on Monday to launch nine batches of Kuiper satellites into orbit, marking the company’s first l... (2021)
The 'entangled' light particles spookily interact with each other at huge distances. (2018)
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on April 12 released an enforcement advisory warning that organizations will be penalized for launching ... (2018)
The U.S. communications agency says tiny Internet of Things satellites from Swarm Technologies could endanger other spacecraft If confirmed, thi... (2018)
Swarm Technologies is one of several companies looking to populate low Earth orbit with communications satellites, setting itself apart with the sh... (2019)
The International Astronomical Union has issued the preliminary results from a study on the potential effects of multi-thousand satellite constella... (2020)
Swarm Technologies aims to connect smart devices around the world with a low-bandwidth but ever-present network provided by satellites — and it jus... (2019)
The private space company run by Elon Musk launched 60 satellites into orbit this week. Science correspondent Geoff Brumfiel explains why astronome... (2019)
Satellites are a vital part of our infrastructure, helping us to use GPS, access the internet and support studies of the Earth. There were 2,666 op... (2020)
SpaceX is expanding the beta test of its Starlink satellite internet service according to emails seen by CNBC, with service priced at $99 a month. (2020)
After a troubled year that saw broadband satellite operator OneWeb file for bankruptcy, get rescue finance from the UK government and Bharti, and t... (2021)