a collection of articles and videos looking at the "do it yourself" (DIY) and maker movements
New York’s State Senate passed a digital right to repair bill, the first in the country. It’s a big win, with more to come. (2021)
The California Farm Bureau has given away the right of farmers to fix their equipment without going through a dealer. (2018)
Pending U.S. legislation could force manufacturers to make repair parts and information available at fair prices (2017)
The new exemptions are a major win for the right to repair movement and give consumers wide latitude to legally repair the devices they own. (2018)
IN 1533 A noblewoman in Calais presented a visiting grandee with a peculiar gift: her personal toothpick, which, she was eager to point out, she ha... (2018)
When fixing items is actively discouraged by manufacturers, recycling becomes a political act, say Repair Cafe volunteers (2018)
California legislator introduces bill requiring electronic makers to make repair manuals and parts publicly available (2018)
The right to repair battle trudges on despite a record amount of legislative proposals. (2019)
Delegates of the Nebraska Farm Bureau, which represents 58,000 member families, voted 176-1 to formally endorse the right of its constituents to re... (2019)
Martin Quezada is the owner and sole employee of International Office Machines in San Gabriel. He repairs typewriters. In the past few years, young... (2019)
A dive into the thriving black market of John Deere tractor hacking. (2017)
Tractors built in 1980 or earlier cause bidding wars at auctions. (2020)
The EU is restricting products designed to be unfixable, forcing companies to change their ways. (2021)