a collection of articles about Harvard University
The suit, which accuses the university of discriminating against Asian-Americans, has shed light on little-known aspects of Harvard’s selection pro... (2018)
Roland Fryer Jr.’s life is a movie script: A man abandoned by his mom and raised by an alcoholic dad became the youngest black professor to ever se... (2022)
A lawsuit against Harvard raises the issue of whether there has been discrimination against Asian-Americans in the name of creating a diverse stude... (2018)
A joint brief by the seven other Ivies and nine private universities said that a ruling against Harvard’s admissions process would reverberate acro... (2018)
Harvard's current freshman class is made up of over 36 percent legacy students. And as of 2015, legacy applicants were five times more likely to ge... (2019)
“I AM SIMPLY thrilled about all the folks you were able to admit,” David Ellwood, the then dean of Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government,... (2019)
There’s a deeper meaning behind the us-and-them boundaries drawn by attendees of highly selective schools. (2019)
With 20% of Harvard's first-year class deferring this fall, it raises questions and opportunities for higher education's future. (2020)