Halloween traditions around the world include performing tricks for treats, carving turnips and apple dooking in Scotland, and cosplaying in Japan. (2019)
Everything you need to know about the history of Halloween. Over the past few decades, Halloween celebrations have gained in popularity, not only ... (2017)
Halloween isn't just costumes and candy; it's a cultural holiday rich in tradition | National Geographic: Nat... (2017)
Scientific American, 2017: "For some, the non-living were just another age group. In the Halloween season, American culture briefly participates ... (2017)
Invision: "Turns out haunted houses and UX design have a ton in common. I’m obsessed with Halloween and design. When I was a kid, I built a haunt... (2017)
The answer, as always, is to blame the media. For nearly 30 years, University of Delaware sociologist Joel Best has been investigating allegations... (2017)