“I’m bored.” When’s the last time you said that? I bet not too long ago. If you give me 4 minutes, I’ll tell you why that’s a bad sign. In the past... (2018)
If I'd ask you about investing, what do think about? Stocks, real estate, businesses? Most people I ask, often mention the same things. But there's... (2018)
If you want to get anywhere in this world, you need to educate yourself, and to educate yourself you need to read—a lot.Here's how to read 100 book... (2016)
The most successful people on the planet are also the people likeliest to devote an hour a day to reading and learning. (2018)
Before he could help others, he needed to find his own direction. he lure of the ancients suggested to William James some ways to use his educat... (2018)