In the world of early retirees, we have a concept that goes by names like “The 4% rule”, or “The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate”, or simply “The SWR.” As ... (2012)
A fully revised edition of one of the most influential books ever written on personal finance with more than a million copies sold “The best book o... (2024)
Seattle attorney Sylvia Hall worked off six figures in student debt on her path to financial independence. Now, she plans to use real estate to pay... (2024)
So how much should you have saved for retirement? We wanted to know, so we asked the guy who invented the 401k. (2018)
LastWeekTonight Published on Jun 12, 2016 Saving for retirement means navigating a potential minefield of high fees and bad advice. Billy Eichn... (2018)
A whole bunch of resources about Retirement - NGPF - Search Results (2018)
A lot of people want to retire early but don't know how. Early retirement IS achievable, but you have to have a plan. Here's how to retire early — ... (2018)
Eschewing consumer culture, Pete Adeney, also known as Mr. Money Mustache, practices an extreme frugality that allowed him to retire at age 30. Avo... (2018)
Thrifty retirees are learning how to cut corners while still living comfortably. (2019)
Parents are spending $500 billion a year supporting their adult children—more than twice the amount they’re saving for retirement. How to help your... (2019)
The FIRE—"financial independence, retire early"—movement is all about hoarding enough cash before investing it and living off the dividends. (2019)