A concise introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Guide, microsite - intended to help newcomers (both non-technical and technical) begin exploring what's possible with AI. (2017)
YC, Hacker News, 2017 discussion board: "I'm a intermediate-level programmer, and would like to dip my toes in AI, starting with the simple st... (2017)
Udacity: Published on Sep 9, 2016 A friendly introduction to the main algorithms of Machine Learning with examples. No previous knowledge required. (2017)
Adam Geitgey – Medium: "The world’s easiest introduction to Machine Learning This article is part of a series. Check out the full series: Part ... (2014)
Want to learn more? There are actually 19 videos included in this playlist, covering topics like Linear Regression, Neural Networks… (2016)
MACHINE & DEEP LEARNING AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning: A Primer by Frank Chen, Andreesen Horowitz (2017)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California at Berkeley, 2017 "With the increasing commoditization of computer vision... (2017)
a16z talk with a look at trends in technologies: “The personal computer S-curve gave us 1.5 billion PCs and 3 billion people online, and now the s... (2017)
a brief summary of the major advancements in AI, machine learning in 2017... (2017)
The synergism of Big Data and artificial intelligence holds amazing promise for business. (2018)
Facebook's M once heralded the possibilities of chatbots. Its demise highlights the technology's limitations. (2018)
We're now four or five years into the current explosion of machine learning, and pretty much everyone has heard of it, and every big company is wor... (2018)
515 leaderboards • 964 tasks • 704 datasets • 8619 papers with code. (2019)
Jason's Machine Learning 101 - Google Slides Jason Mayes Senior Creative Engineer, Google Machine Learning 101 Feel free to share this deck with... (2020)