A collection of articles about IBM and Blockchain
Trying to make pork products in China safer was just the first step of Walmart’s global plans for blockchain... (2016)
With $6.7tn in assets under custody, Northern Trust has formally launched its first blockchain product with a little help from IBM. (2017)
IBM is taking its food-tracking blockchain into production and has already signed up European supermarket giant Carrefour. (2018)
IBM is working with, whose Android and IOS mobile app gives users a title of ownership, akin to a property deed, for their personal data. (2018)
Global shipping giant Maersk has conducted its first blockchain-based shipment in partnership with IBM... (2017)
Since Maersk and IBM launched TradeLens 10 months ago, only one other carrier has joined the network. As those involved admit, that's not enough. (2018)
IBM has been working with a number of different industries to help improve food safety with the help of blockchain technology. Today it announced i... (2019)