Criticism and doubt about Bitcoin and Blockchain hype
Seth Godin's Blog on marketing, tribes and respect (2021)
A criteria for judging when a blockchain is applicable (2022)
This is a contributed post by Bill Harris, former CEO of Intuit and founding CEO of PayPal and Personal Capital “In my opinion, bitcoin a coloss... (2018)
Take a look at the channels used to coordinate "pump and dump" schemes, which artificially inflate the price of cryptocurrencies. (2017)
Three ways Bitcoin could be brought down, co-opted, or made irrelevant. (2018)
On how a new administrative technology is being conflated with radical politics. (2018)
An explanation of Crypto currency from Paul Krugman Beyond the technobabble and libertarian derp, what problem does this stuff solve? (2018)
We got Gilfoyle's entire PowerPoint presentation explaining cryptocurrency from HBO's 'Silicon Valley,' and it's both useful and hilarious. In epi... (2018)
Opinion: Cryptocurrencies are useless. Blockchain solutions are frequently much worse than the systems they replace. Here's why. (2019)