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Corporate concentration. Really big health

Who profits most from America’s baffling health-care system? Hint: it isn’t big pharma | Business (2023)


Generative AI is Coming for Insurance (May 2023 Fintech Newsletter) | a16z Andreessen Horowitz

How large language models could help gather relevant data for with more complex underwriting processes, like commercial and life insurance. (2023)


On heels of $125M raise, Chilean unicorn Betterfly plans to establish an eventual global hub in Miami

Eduardo della Maggiora, the CEO of a newly minted Chilean unicorn, is moving to Miami next month and plans to open a Miami office that would likely... (2022)


How a Google Street View image of your house predicts your risk of a car accident | MIT Technology Review

Google Street View has become a surprisingly useful way to learn about the world without stepping into it. People use it to plan journeys, to explo... (2021)


Some Thoughts on Lemonade’s IPO | GV News

When GV first invested in Lemonade in 2016, the insurance industry was ripe for disruption. (2020)


Florida Flood Zones Explained

Technically, every house in Florida is in a flood zone. It’s just a matter of whether it is in a low, moderate or high-risk flood zone.Here is a br... (2009)


Did Hurricane Ian Bust Florida’s Housing Boom? - The Daily | Podcast on Spotify

Listen to this episode from The Daily on Spotify. Since Hurricane Ian devastated southwestern Florida last month, residents have filed a record num... (2022)


Bio Eats World: May I Have Your Insurance Card Again, Please? - Andreessen Horowitz

There's been a lot of talk (including on this show!) about the many kinds of innovations and technologies changing healthcare delivery for clinicia... (2021)


Flood Factor - Find Your Home's Flood Factor

Flood Factor is a free online tool created by the nonprofit First Street Foundation that makes it easy for Americans to find their property’s past ... (2020)

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2 Podcasts
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